You may qualify for Assurance Wireless if you participate in any of the following government programs:Ohio
. Medicaid
. Food Stamps/SNAP
. General Assistance
. Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
. Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF/Ohio Works First)
. Federal Public Housing Assistance (Section 8)
. Home Energy Assistance Programs (HEAP, LIHEAP & E-HEAP)
. The National School Lunch Programs Free Lunch Program
. Supplemental Security Income-Blind & Disabled (SSDI)
OR You may qualify based on household income. Click here for more info.
I thought you were joking about the “free” cell phones until I heard an ad today in Seattle advertising the same program. Just as you said, it states that if you are a welfare recipient, you are “entitled” to a taxpayer funded phone. So we not only get the privilege of paying for the ads, we get the privilege of paying for the “free” cell phones. Ah, yes, how “poor” are American poor people.