Incorrect. The opt-out was in the executive order and made it easier for parents to opt-out of all vaccines:
The Governors Executive Order (RP 65) that caused all the controversy also ordered the director of DSHS to make it easier for parents to opt out of vaccines. The Legislature had changed the law from opt in to a requirement to opt out once for all the school years. Next, they changed to a two year limit on the opt out, and then in 2005, the Legislature restricted the period to one year and required a new State form bearing a seal. Parents had to go to Austin or start early in the summer. There were bureaucrats who maintained that the only way to get the form with the seal was to go to Austin, find the right office and make the request in person. Perry used his EO to tell the Director of DSHS to make the request (and the seal) available on-line, making it easier to opt out.
Stop lying about Perry, who might just be the best Republican candidate to come along since Reagan.
My God, you are delusional. Stop lying to yourself.
Perry's attempt to frame his action as both an urgent public health necessity and the work of a "pro-life" politician failed to dissuade those who felt he had shoved this vaccine down the throats of the public without a full airing of the potential benefits, costs and long-term health implications of the drug.
Roughly 60 state lawmakers called on Perry to rescind the order. He refused>/b>. Just six weeks after Perry put pen to paper, the Texas House rebuked him on March 14, 2007, passing HB 1098, overturning his executive order by a vote of 119-21. The Senate followed suit the following month by a vote of 30-1.
We don't need another nanny stater in the White House who uses Executive Orders to bypass the will of the people. And to compare a governor who did this to Reagan? Please.