Leftists have no idea whats coming down the pipe, this example is on only a small prelude of things to come. By 2050 (if not sooner) whites are going to a minority in there own country, these type of events are going to increase in magnitude and frequency
The crisis will happen MUCH sooner, like in the next two to five years.
Your demographic trend is dependent upon the continuation of the Welfare State. You think underclass women would have five or six kids if they had to support them through their own work? It is the despised middle class which keeps the checks coming, and we've reached the end of the ability of the middle class to support Great Society. Atlas is on the edge of shrugging, and letting it all fall down with a smash.
“By 2050 (if not sooner) whites are going to a minority in there own country.”
Technically many “hispnanics” are caucasian and many actually refer to themselves as white and or don’t see themselves as a “hyphenated” American. The term Hispanic seems to be used as a catch all for any Spanish speaking person, no matter what the shade of there skin. Even if you consider classical “white people”(english speaking white European extraction) as their own voting group, they will still be the largest voting bloc in the country at about 45 per cent by 2050 vs a static 15 percent by “blacks” and the other 40 per cent divided up by “hispanics”(what ever race that is), Orientals, and various groups from Asia. The population of the US will approach 450 million by that time so whites will still exert enormous voting power by themselves. The priorities of each of the other races don’t necessarily coincide with one another and in fact the whites may find themselves often joined with numbers of “Hispanics” and “orientals”.