If I may, let me relate a brief anecdote from this weekend, regarding a couple of young(er) adult white males.
I went out with a couple of guys over the weekend. One is a Dem, the other an independent who voted for Obama in '08. I'd characterize neither of them as "political", which is probably why we get along so well.
Talk *did* turn to politics, however, as we all agreed that our 401k's were taking a beating over the past couple of weeks.
The "independent" (and, more conservative one) said, approximately, "I voted for Obama because I thought he was different and I thought he could change the system. But it looks like he's just more of the same brand of BS politician. No way I vote for THAT again."
The Democrat agreed, though he said that he'd likely just stay home. "To hell with all of them." was his comment, approximately.
Me? I said nothing. They were doing such a good job of self-flagellation, that there was no more I could contribute.
I realize that this is just one anecdote. But I think that this kind of opinion shift is a lot more prevalent than any of us realize. Good news, IMHO.
Thanks for your post. Your anecdotal example gives credence to my post. Polls are showing the same thing.
I think there will be defections in the Black Community as well. It may only be 3-5%, but that’s huge given the demrats absolute need for the absolute black vote. If things stay on their present track I would bet a six pack of Sammie Adams that unwavering 40% who support The One will drop to 33-35% when these people vote.