How long before he recognizes the London rioters as "the sole legitimate government" of England?
Great point! I presume he=Obama.
I read in another thread today that Wikileaks had tweeted that Libya had recognized the rioters as the legitimate government of the UK.
I didn’t know Quadafi had threatened to take the war in Libya to England so I thought it was satire. There is a certain terrible logic to it.
Whether or not “NATO” should have interferred in the civil war in Libya—especially when Quadafi had been giving us info on al Qaeda and at least some portion of the “reformers” in Libya are al Qaeda—the west had better face up to the fact that we are in a war.
Maybe when we get a real president, we can stop interferring in civil wars where both sides want us dead and actually fight these terrorists as the invaders they are. I hope.