Let me guess, all of the polling data is in as to what phrases to use, and they have bombarded us all weekend with “TEA Party Downgrade”, so that will be who gets blamed. He will say the reason for the downgrade is becasue the TEA Party refused to allow taxes to be raised.
That a minority of the radical fringe of the republican party has set out to destroy our country.......
“We are the least dirty shirt in the laundry”
I think he will use the misery loves company and how this is a world wide event beyond his control....then he will go into how the Super Duper Congressional Committee is right on it.....he has talked to the “leadership” and he “worked all weekend” with his staff.....not2worry.....we got America's Back Covered!
He needs to widen his net today on his blame game. I doubt if he attacks his own incompetency.
Any projection that they try... blows back on them with three times the amount of blame that they try to pawn off on anyone or anything but themselves... they are the SOURCE OF ALL OF OUR ECONOMIC ILLS... and they own it ALL this time. Our side (leadership) is guilty of not holding true to their ideology and for being cowards in the face of the enemy.