“Do you ever get the feeling were being goaded into a mass rebellion, just so martial law can be imposed? By executive order, of course.”
Been feeling that for a long time now ......... actually since before O. The abyss between libs and the rest of us is too wide to peaceably bridge - imho. And they are violent and hostile people.
The Last Month, the stories about Black Savages rampaging in the cities and Unions and Move on Threatening Tea Parties. This is what they want. I have a feel when the Election campaining starts who ever is our Primary winner better wear a bullet proof vest and have protection at all events. What Obama wants is what his Cousin in Kenya Had. Mass killings and political violence. Mark my words. If any tea party is attacked or our candidates are killed or injured, its on. I do hope I am right. Because it will be uglier then anything we have seen in a century.