RBW, the writer of the e-mail is right. Tea Parties do need to have a co-ordinated plan of defense as things heat up. We can’t resort to violence, so we do need to brain-storm about effective ways to handle these kinds of situations. Do we always call for help from surrounding Tea Parties? Or, do we call in local law enforcement? Perhaps hire an off duty LEO or two? Do we surround the perps with collective body press? This is something we need to discuss and Tea Parties do need to be ready for anything.
>Or, do we call in local law enforcement?
>Perhaps hire an off duty LEO or two?
Why would you call in or hire union thugs? It’s time to be self sufficient.
I’m not a member of a tea party, but I am a fan of the movement!
Please be sure to pass on to your tea party and others, to never let outsiders hold the periphery of the room. Make sure your trusted people fill the periphery early leaving the middle open to visitors. This forces outsiders seeking to disrupt into a submissive location, making it harder for them to gain momentum.
Also, make sure they are the ones showing emotions. The more emotional they get, the more they discredit their arguments.
Also, make light of their slogans and slurs. Not in a hateful way, but in a ho-hum, this is unoriginal, you poor thing having to follow the crowd with everything you do... Take lots of pictures of their disruptive stance and signs and post them on every local website that allow comment. Cover facebook up with them. Twitter the whole ordeal. Make sure everyone says the same kind of thing...these poor, brainwashed lemmings can’t even come up with an original sign.
Play up in every way the “collective” nature of their actions. Juxtapose it with independent free thought. America (middle-tuned-out-folks) are not getting the tea message because they are not hearing from people they know and trust about the difference in being part of a collective group think mentality, and being part of and independent free-thinking group. We are afraid to use the word communists, etc....and rightly so, because we will lose the listener. But nobody has sympathy for an idiot coat-tail hanger— a door-mat type. That’s who these Move-On people are. Useful idiots. They go where they are told and say what they are told, and don’t really even understand the mechanics of what they are screaming about.
Do lots of public praying for them, also. There is nothing that gets to them more than to pray for them. But be sincere-—they do really need help. The path they are on will bring about their destruction in many ways. What you are doing in the tea party movement is actually for their own good (the Move-On people), they just don’t know it.
Tough love is the order of the day. Real love always wins in the end. That’s what the tea party movement is doing—teaching that real love means doing the hard things, because somebody has to.
I can’t be a tea party person, because I am already engaged on another battlefield, but rest assured many like me are helping to add to the ranks of the tea party. My prayer is that all who fight this present evil will keep God before us and Satan behind.