Sorry, but you are sadly mistaken.
There is no "trust fund" or "lock box" for Social Security or Medicaid. The Govt took the money, and spent it.
If I took a piece of candy away from a 5 year old, and gave them a plastic token in return, and then ate the candy, even the 5 year old would know the candy was gone.
The government took all taxes (and they were taxes) from Social Security, replaced them with IOUs, and now we are $14.5 Trillion in debt.
Moreover, those who screamed "I paid" have no moral argument as to being "deserving" when veterans who had their legs blown off are now facing real cuts - to the VA, to TRICARE, and to their military retirements.
Under debt deal, military pay, veterans programs in play for cuts
If these heroes are subject to this, then so is your Social Security and Medicaid. In fact, if it were not for the fact that Obama, Reid, and Pelosi are protecting entitlements like a mafia boss protects his loot, then veterans programs (those who really served this nation) and active duty salaries for those who are sacrificing now for our nation would not even be in consideration.
So much for a "grateful" nation. You stand where you sit. All the talk about "supporting our troops" goes right out the window if the balance of scales means our heroes, or your check.
My dear grandson, that grew up in my home - is AIRBORNE - with the famous 173rd 2/503rd . Ever hear of “RESTREPO”?
He was in it - was in that ‘most dangerous place on earth’ for 15 months...then back for a second tour in the ‘ghan...
His father, my son, is a former MARINE - Viet Nam.
My brother is a retired Sub man.
My son-in-law flies C-130’s.
I have posted long and often about this POS CICINO and his attempts to cheat our troops - not to mention his new ROE that have resulted in DOUBLE our KIA in 2009; TRIPLE in 2010 and on the way to being FOUR TIMES as many this year. (and the media is silent. And the Sheeple are silent. I have posted and posted on this - I'm sure you have too - uh huh...NOT)
So stuff it.
This is one of the first insane actions against our troops this Puppet Who Would be King tried to pull. Even John Stewart was insensed - and even the democrats. It went down in flames fast.
You remember this - of course you do. You wrote and objected to this too - of course....—veterans—health-insurance