if you can’t win a war in 47 years you are obviously employing the wrong strategy.
We're obviously bogged down and in a quagmire. I expect Williams next observation will be to ask the President what our exit strategy should be in regards to the War on Poverty.
Yea - that's gonna happen.............
Ya, why are liberals never called to account for the failures of the war on poverty???
Why don’t we hear it’s a quagmire and all that? Why don’t we hear that we should pull out because we can never defeat the enemy? We don’t we hear that we should pull out because we can’t impose our will in a place unable to accept our help?????
The ghettos of our cities today are in the same sad shape they were in 40 years ago, when we enthusiastically decided to fight a war on poverty. If anything, some matters are much worse, as the baby mama problem is much worse today. But I digress.
Some areas of Detroit and other cities look like a war zone. They look like all of the buildings have been bombed out.
It would be laughable to hear liberals talk about this, if the subject weren’t so serious. The liberals sincerely think that these problems are because we haven’t spent enough money, or created enough government programs, to deal with poverty.
The liberals say that there is residual racism and discrimination, but in that case, how do you explain Detroit and other cities, which have been run for generations by DEMOCRATS, and black Democrats at that in most places????? Are the black Democrats discriminating against their own residents in these cities????? Since the Democrats are the party of equality and celebrations of diversity, the good Democrats who run these cities cannot be at fault for anything, can they??????