.....A graduate of the University of Missouri School of Journalism, Beck won national awards during the 1970s for his coverage of urban expansion issues, including honors from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Izaak Walton League. In addition to the advocacy of immigration reduction, much of his work focuses on urban planning and sprawl-related matters..... Source
One other thing, Rick Perry signed VOTER PHOTO ID into state law last month -- took him 6 years but we have it. Only 6 states have a photo ID voter requirement.
I was right there at the King Street meeting when he attended and announced the passage of voter ID. Everyone was very happy. I heard his speech that night he did a great job.
I am not really a big fan of NUmbers right now as they are pushing the National E-Verify bill which is pleasing to the Chamber of Commerce. They know this bill has raised the bar on legal evidence so high it will be impossible to enforce.Further, the bill will trash the recent Supreme Court ruling allowing local/state control in US Chamber of Commerce v. Whiting through pre-emption.