Well the one good thing I have read about Perry is that he said not long ago that the first 100 days of a Perry presidency would include shutting down the EPA and the Dept of Educ. Two of my personal favorites. I’m still on the fence about Perry. One more do nothing globalist President and this country is Greece.
Get off the fence..I’m a Texan and Perry is the real deal...of course there are a couple of dozen people that take turns bashing Perry with lies and negative spins on each Perry thread...Same shitte over and over.... and you for certain don’t have to worry about Rick Perry being a globalist.....he’s a country boy that has done good....and trust me the trans Texas corridor is a great idea....we need added lanes between North and South...this is a big state. To wit...it’s further from Texarkana, TX to El Paso, TX than it is from Chicago to New York City....
I would fully support if those two agencies were to be mothballed. He would probably do that too...if possible. On the other side he is a ruling-class candidate which means no action on internal enforcement as he has demonstrated in Texas. ZERO ACTION ZERO PASSION on the issue.
Nice words. Where can I find a news story about that?