Bachmann voted against the Debt Ceiling, Palin sees it as a positive. How the Republican electorate ends up viewing the deal will determine which will carry the consevative wing.
Palin does not see it as a victory. Csense explains it so that even people with PDS can understand:
“... She wasn’t referring to the substance of the bill as a victory, she was merely agreeing with Greta, when Greta said: The Tea Party had an enormous victory because they did change the discussion here in Washington, and it is a little bit like trying to change the direction of an aircraft carrier, it’s not easy
Sarah then went on to explain why the content isn’t a victory and summarized by saying: Yes this is a victory because tea party patriots did shift the debate...
She’s not abrogating her principles and what she said was exactly correct.”
The above stolen without permission from csense. - Thanks, free me