It is IMPOSSIBLE for the left to run on a positive uplifting message. They need to run against someone.
Bingo! Give this FReeper a cee-gar!
I like it.
The Tea Party is saying that $14 trillion is too much debt. Everybody else is arguing about how fast or slow we should add more debt.
If I had to pick a job, I'd want the job of selling the tea party message.
Bingo, Skeeter! Orwell saw this in the left when he wrote “1984”, there had to be Emmanuel Goldstein for things to work.
In the last election the dems ran against the Bush Monster, who was responsible for simply everything that was wrong (even though he wasn’t running).
This time it will be the TEA party that will be responsible for everything going south, and most dem campaigns will be based on that, plus Hope and Unspecified Radical Change.