Agreed that jobs and the economy will be the real issue but I think this was an opportunity to get so much more. I think Obama would have folded in the end. Not totally. Not “ok, lets repeal health care” level folding. But we could have gotten the BBA to the states along with every thing else, and I think that would have been a much bigger win.
Interesting that we forgot about obamacare. I guess that “We will defund obamacare” campaign promise wasn’t kept.
Oh, well. Baptist preacher Huckabee said tonight it’s okay to lie during a campaign. Those weren’t his exact words but that’s what he meant.
I think the BBA may get to the States.
The downgrading of our credit rating will be the great unassailable impetus to keep the log rolling, otherwise we will go from oshi-no-GDP Japan (now) to bring-your-hyperinflated-money-in-a-truck Zimbabwe (by 2013).
Any Donk who votes against BBA will be 2010'd in 2012.