No facebook
No twitter
No myspace
No TV (I make an exception for Jeopary! and Wheel of Fortune, heh)
No iPad
No iPod
No iPhone (I do have a cell phone that is ALWAYS turned off)
No beepers
No pagers
I don’t even answer the telephone any more.
Guess I’m about as backward as they come.
I pretty much broke the TV habit in 1971 — was stationed in Germany for a year. There was a TV there, but very little on it. I might have looked at it 6 times in the whole year (actually, I believe it was less).
But it something more than that. Somewhere back there, I made a conscious decision to simply drop out of “mainstream” culture, particulary music.
Since then, I’ve “gone my own way”, so to speak. I have no desire to “get with things” again. For me, there’s no hope!
Several years’ back, I was reading Pat Buchanan’s book “Death of the West”, and was surprised that he recommended people do pretty much what I did, that is, drop out of the “trash culture” and find (even create) their own “cultural sanctuaries” (those last two phrases are my own).
My only weakness: Macintosh!
Just sayin’....
Wow. That’s impressive. How were you even able to post?