No, you can't "back up"everything you posted. I suggest that you go back and read through this discussion, because I previously blew holes through what you claimed the P-RB used as subject matter; for only one example.
If you want to continue with this, I suggest that we do it in private, as it is off topic. This thread is about uniforms color coded for intellect/grades, for students in England and though you intertwined your cultural theory with that, we're in the deep woods now; no longer relevant or probably interesting to anyone else but us.
“Oh gee.another mordant anti-Masonic moron!”
“Cut that crapola out!”
So sorry to have thrown you for a loop, but then, perhaps you just need an audience who have never heard of the groups and/or people you have decided to impugn,mislabel, and/or misspell.
More of your errors...
“Mary Woolstonecraft” - the correct spelling is Mary Wollstonecraft.
“P-RB” - they all signed their paintings PRB.
People can look up the Pre-Rafaelite paintings and judge the Symbolism(s) depicted which are many. It’s interesting that the Pre-Raphaelites revived the occultist Blake, who had died unknown. Swinburn promoted Blake’s demonic poetry, and Rossetti promoted his art. It’s also interesting that Ruskin happened to be an occultist. And it’s also interesting that Blake is listed as a saint by the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) as is Sir Richard Payne Knight, a member of the Society of Dilletanti. Anyway as I’ve already stated - I’m not writing a book - just a few asides from many.
You boxed in Godwin and Wollstonecraft - it’s only a nanith of what any of this is all about. You don’t get any of it. Sorry, I’ve got no intention of talking to you off-line as you’ve got nothing to contribute other than blustering.