Argon is used in double and triple pane windows because of how well it insulates against heat loss through windows. If CO2 is better why don’t window manufacturers use it? Look up the details on how well argon and CO2 transfer heat and compare them.
0.04% of the Earth’s atmosphere is CO2. Argon is right about 1% which is over twice the amount.
If the Leftist didn’t have an agenda for destroying America and ridding the world of humanity and were honest with themselves and others you would have seen them on the warpath to reduce argon emissions in whatever is creating it.
While the statement, “Argon is right about 1% which is over twice the amount,” is correct. It IS over twice the amount...
It’s much more than twice the amount.
Technically, it’s almost 24x.
Argon .934%
CO2 .039%
That’s 23.948x
The key requirement for a GHG is that it absorbs infra-red (heat) radiation in the frequency region where a 'black-body' at earth-surface temperatures radiates. This blocks surface radiation and forces the IR heat radiation to 'outer-space' to occur from higher altitudes, where the atmosphere is colder, and the heat radiation is thus much weaker.
Clouds at night do the same thing, but clouds block the sun during the day whereas greenhouse gases do not. Argon, oxygen, and nitrogen do not absorb significantly in the IR region of interest (but ozone does, and is a GHG)
CO2 is a useful gas for insulated windows. The reason argon is used is because it is heavier, doesn't move as much and therefore conducts less heat.