As a vet myself, I would like to point out that I think everyone knows, particularly veterans, that our system has been promising what it cannot deliver for a long long time and everyone is going to have to tighten their belts. A lot of the cost in the system is paying off folks who never have and never will do anything productive (think the enormous administrative costs in health care, and the regulatory and legal system that syphons off enormous funds to do nothing useful). I know that I am going to have to work longer, get less total retirement and that health care will have to be rationalized.
But if cutting is needed let us get belly up and do it like men and not whine like this.
A lot of the cost in the system is paying off folks who never have and never will do anything productiveIf, in fact, the cuts were going to be applied evenly there would be less to complain about.
Nowhere do I hear that they will cut free health care, housing, education and all the rest for illegals. No where do I hear they want to cut welfare, food stamps, and free cell phones, cars for the unproductive segments of our society.
We are asked to tighten our belts while 51% of the population keeps getting bigger and bigger bellies with their free food stamps. I am not going to suck it up and agree to their plans.