A feral lynch mob linked up by cell phones and so called social media. If the economy really collapses they could be the new Zombie hordes swarming into houses, neighborhoods and developments perceived (rumored) as having food and stuff
Of course in some future dystopia there could be anti flash mob mobs, seeking to ambush or at least mislead flash mobs.
I’ve always been amazed how so many young people can be so into technology when it comes to “social” stuff but absolutely useless when it comes to technical skills that could get them a halfway decent job.
How many people participating in these “events” can use Excel, Word, Powerpoint? How many of them speak English correctly (and I don’t just mean blacks)?
Welfare recipients are now eligible for free cell phones, which makes it easier to coordinate flash mobs if the cell phone has the ability to send text messages to a group.
Yet another government program that should sunset.