To: Tennessean4Bush
Bredeson here in tn took that approach when he first took office about 8 years ago. He said, we are facing a 10% shortfall, I want every dept to come back with their 10% cut budget. Easier sell since he was not making everyone argue about values first at least from a top line perspective.
70 posted on
07/26/2011 5:56:45 PM PDT by
(An optimist believes we live in the best of all possible worlds. A pessimist fears this is true.)
To: Tennessean4Bush
I wish Bredesen was in a leadership position in DC now..although a Demoncrat, he is a good man and I like the way he cut things...just think what a 2 or 3% overall cut would do to help change the direction of this meteor to a very deep chasm we are presently riding...and yes, I am an “oldie” on SS, but although such a cut in what I get would require some changes in priorities, it would not be totally destructive.
74 posted on
07/26/2011 6:30:14 PM PDT by
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