Everyone is incredibly frustrated, but part of that is they don't understand the problem
Social Security is 21% of the budget.
Medicare is 14%
Medicade is 10%
Unemployment/disability is 13%
Defense is 19%
Interest on the debt is 9%
IOW, 86% of the budget is treated as being off limits. Entitlements have to be reformed and that won't get done right now.
Correct...Obama dangled it but disingenuously paired it with tax increases.
The Ryan plan deals more with Medicare. I want to see this current deal debt get done soon so Ryan's ideas can start being debated.
No doubt Ryan's ideas won't be enough for many conservatives, but we have to keep moving the ball down the field.
Cut,Cap&Balance addresses that and was already passed by the House.
But it’s a BS argument anyway. After you cut all the non-defense discretionary spending to the bone THEN you can tell us it will take awhile longer to cut the rest.
That’s not what Boehner is offering.