For sure, I will gladly and proudly vote FOR Mrs. Palin should she become the nominee....that said....
She is a polarizer. There are those (groups and individuals) who exist at the opposite end of the political, social, economic, and national spectrum from where she stands.
Here are some groups that it is very unlikely she will ever, ever "win over" or "unite" to support her:
inner city blacks,
any who watch and believe the msm (a very large population),
latinos below $30K annual income,
illegal aliens who vote,
blacks (not including inner city blacks) below $30K annual income,
most of those receiving federal or state aid (wellfare, foodstamps, etc. - but not including unemployment),
a majority of college age students who bother to vote,
a majority of the populace of the US Northeast,
a majority of the population of CA, WA, and OR,
the self-appointed "intelligencia" of the rinos (rove, krauthammer, o'reilly, mcconnell, et al)
the hollywood intelligencia and their blind, loyal followers.
A "uniter"???? Nope.
But since I stand with her and the ideals and freedoms and ideas she represents, that's ok. But when it comes right down to it....are there more of "us" than "them"??
As a Republican Presidential candidate, or as a Presidential candidate from either party, Governor Palin will not win over everyone nationally, no one can.
We do know that while being the most powerful, hands on Governor in America, Palin earned unheard of, sustained, approval numbers ranging from 80% to 93%.
Those are numbers of an executive political leader that is a uniter, someone that wins over all peoples, of all races and political persuasions