How come the left are getting to completely define the message?
Why would it be catastrophic, why cant we point out that everyone who has lending the Federal Government money to pay for existing expenditures is burdening our future?
Why is Obama being allowed to make head lines taking all the republican positions rhetorically but rejecting every last one of them in practice. The man is lying thou his teeth and nobody is calling the lying bastard out on it...?
The left have hijacked the cause to the debt with absolutely no solution or position whatsoever.
How did they do that, is it the leftist media dictating what everyone hears, while laying down on their job to investigate and call out the lairs?
How can we be snatching defeat from the jaws of victory?
How can Tax Cheat Tim and Obama be allowed to scare the market and the people with so many lies? It’s easy to call them out. CALL THEM OUT!
Refute their claims, Tell them the world does not end if the Federal Government doesn’t pay its creditors for a time. Nor will the Federal Government EVEN stop paying it’s creators unless they(NOT congress) alone choose not to pay them debt creditors!
Geithner: As long as the Republicans are reasonable, we will not allow them to call our bluff.
The Wreckovery is proceeding as planned.