If you're not happy about that, wait'll you hear about plans to "means test" social security. If you scrimped and saved and did without during your working life so that you could accumulate a nest egg and enjoy retirement, you will be hosed out of your social security so that the SS money is available for all the partiers who lived high on the hog and spent beyond their means and didn't save jack squat for their own retirement.
Yeah, that should go over big.
6.2% of your annual income is taken without even a simple “thank you.” When you go to retire, if you get any back, it will be the same as if you would have put it in the bank in a savings account drawing 0.1% interest. But that money provided bogus jobs to countless bureaucrats across the countryside. With people living longer and the birthrate dropping (except amongst those who don’t pay into it,) it is the mother of all ponzi schemes.