As FR’s resident loquacious PerryBOT,
you just posted (#84) your nice pics
of Huntsman and Carter.
Is there anyone you do not attack,
stanch defender of RINO Perry and his mandated-Gardasil?
The REAL point of what is behind these posts is original intent--not what
ultimately happened. RINO Perry's seeming intent was to
(1) reward his political allies inc. Chief of Staff and his Merck employer and
(2) to essentially shove an untested drug into the bodies of
his constituent's pre-pubescent girls. Girls. So where was his
due diligence? Where was the informed consent?
Is there an iota of evidence that he did really care? Most importantly,
what would he do on a national level, if given the power.
Many on this forum are still waiting to hear Gov. Perry
begin to finally address this issue.
LOL! I can see the attraction, but then I’m straight. Jemma! down, boy!