What kind of country is my teenager going to have? What kind of future under these Marxists will she have to endure?
G-d Help us!
G-d Help us!
Not sure He hears us any-more. If He can turn His back on His chosen people, where does that put America?/ with its’ idolatry, abortion and homosexuality, just to mention a few?
America is as the Jews of Old Testament. When you eat the fatted calf too long, you tend to forget about the God of Israel who provided the feast.
What kind of country is my teenager going to have? What kind of future under these Marxists will she have to endure?
Sad to say this, but probably not a very bright future in store for future generations. It’s too far gone. It would take just as long to turn it around. I have little hope left. I see no light at the end of the tunnel.