I received an e-mail within the last 24 hours calling itself a “National Tea Party Alert” noting after effusive praise of him as a great conservative and leader that Ronald Reagan supported tax increases as president in his dealings with Democrats.
The GOP propaganda machine is already out there to spin the concessions to Obama.
The unstated point in all of this is that even if the Republicans raise fees, or taxes, or assessments, or whatever you want to call them, look at the small amount of money involved in comparison to the shortfall we are facing? This is arguments of peanuts!
When we need to close the gap of trillions, a few billion is chump change...from where will the remainder come?
Some spending reductions...but mostly printing more money and inflating it.
Under the circumstances, a pox on both of their houses.
To those who say a third party will elect a democrat, I ask, what is the difference?
The difference is that we increase the size of government at different rates, depending on who is elected. Both parties are willing to take away our civil liberties. No one can live unmolested without interference from the government. It is a continuous pressure to squeeze the life out of the population to the enrichment of those in power.
I will take my solace from the love of the people around me, as they are the only things that matter in the end.