The new ELCA hymnal should have had more truth in advertising the denomination.
(I'm not the author of this paean to a with-it church.)
(To "A Mighty Fortress")
Of left-wing causes is our church
Eternally supportive.
From fad to modern fad we lurch,
Each shallower and more short-lived.
Our consciousness is raised
By media were praised!
Our craft and power are great
Abetted by the state,
On earth is not our equal!
Did we to Christian truth restrict
Ourselves, twould be horrendous.
Its letter cold would contradict
Our self-indulgent splendors.
Let creed and conscience go
And decency also;
The Lords name we intone
For reasons of our own
Advancing our agendas.
....Abetted by the state....
You’ve got it!!!!
The evil communist obama in the US and the evil communist EU in Europe are waging a two-pronged attack on Christianity. As usual, Orthodox Christians are foremost among the victims, especially those in Serbia.