To: Miss Didi
What tv station is everyone watching to follow the trial? Here we are watching tru tv, channel 241 on DirectTv.
21 posted on
07/05/2011 7:50:24 AM PDT by
(Of course Obama loves his's just that Sarah Palin loves mine!)
To: freebird5850
We're getting it through Comcast on Tru TV and also HLN ( Headline News ).
31 posted on
07/05/2011 7:57:31 AM PDT by
Hillarys Gate Cult
(Those who trade land for peace will end up with neither one.)
To: freebird5850
We don’t have TV, so I’ve been watching it via live stream through the OC Sentinel.
136 posted on
07/05/2011 9:20:09 AM PDT by
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