Also Leonard Padilla, the bounty hunter who gave Casey’s bond to get out of jail was on TV a few days ago with Tracy McLaughlin, it was her job to be Casey’s bodyguard..she stayed in the Anthony home after Casey was released from jail, she said that one day she was looking at baby photos of Caylee, and Casey came over and slammed a baby book of photos HER when she was a baby over Caylee’s photos..this woman couldn’t stand the fact that Caylee was getting ANY attention..she was jealous of Caylee, jealous of all the love she was getting, THAT is why Casey killed her
Oh I’m sure.
Casey Anthony is an Icewoman, a Monster.
When reality hits when she gets out. When she’s not welcome in peoples homes. When decent guys avoid her like she’s a oozing sore hooker. Hopefully george is packing his bags now. Unless cindy has realized that the murderer is going to be knocking on the door pretty soon and she and George try to weather her tirades. will they let her start her stealing and lying again. this whole thing is not ended, there is more tragedy to come from Casey Anthony.