Can you not understand that it is possible for one to come to the conclusion that Casey murdered Caylee without any influence from HLN?
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Exactly. I don’t even have TV, much less watch MSM in any way. I get my ‘news’ from FR and this is the first day I even saw a thread about the Anthony case.
I did watch the entire trial, live stream and without commentary, and I am more familiar with law and legal process than most (work as a paralegal for my husband’s firm) and I am shocked they returned not guilty.
The evidence was there that Casey killed her daughter and I have no idea how the jury came to a conclusion otherwise.
This isn’t mob mentality, it is an independent opinion.
The case was bungled by the Police. The State was stuck with it. They overcharged due to Media and political pressure. Even Baez got her off. I am glad someone got to see it without the MSM. To me it looked as if the State was desperate to keep Baez from presenting evidence and the Judge was biased. Burdick might have gotten a conviction on a lesser charge without that idiot Ashton. She seemed to be a fair lawyer but Ashton was an out of control moron. Wonder how long it will take the Ass Clowns at HLN to start blaming him. Nahh they will blame the jury or anything else they can devise in their sick twisted minds.