Mission? Hell no. You know what makes things fly? It ain’t propellant. It’s MONEY. No bucks, no Buck Rogers. Gummint space is expensive. Private space, well, while not cheap its less than the welfare program for engineers and contractors formerly known as the big aerospace firms. Here’s a couple of relevant links...
It’s not necessarily going to outer space that’s important. It’s the Inventions that came out of solving the problem of going to space that gave us some great technology which changed how man lives.
An example. Cordless power tools. Medical imaging. Advanced plastics. It’s not unlike how the problems the military solves produce products that we use everyday.
These are some of the finest engineers and smartest people on the planet. This is where a real ivy league education pays off.
You’ll notice that both Bigelow and Cargo Resupply services are both orbital service industries and that is an indication of the real problem.
Nobody can own mineral rights or plots of land in space which means no one will go further because there’s no hope of future financial gain.