Hers one link where you can explore some of the thousands of things we enjoy today - advantages in technology, computer sciences, aviation, medicine, everyday living - as direct spinoffs from NASA...
Let me twist that just a little.
The big 'L' liberal/budding New Left howl back in the bad old days of the Apollo missions was "Why are we spending all that money in space when we have problems right here on Earth?"
Well, Space was cut back and trillions diverted to the 'Great Society', subsidizing poor people, providing housing 'projects', programs which morphed into section 8 and welfare-as-we-know-it.
We got taxed either way, but frankly, I know where I would rather have had my tax dollars go, as 'inefficient' as NASA was back then.
I'd have donated to charity more if they'd have let me keep some of the money which went toward multiple generations of the most obese 'poor' population on Earth, (not to mention bloated bureaucracies in other areas and 'fat'cat benefits for questionable bureaucrats) which take for granted much which I, personally, cannot afford.