Bible scripture is dubious evidence, due to its equivocal construct. Before quoting your bigoted novel, perhaps you should consider the fact that the book was written by people who believed the earth to be flat. That reason in and of itself is enough to discredit your entire argument, much less the fact that you are trying to use an outdated, anecdotal information source as justifiable reason for bigotry. I feel compelled to ask if you honestly believe the crap your quoting? If so, you ought to consider widening your information base to include data that is scientifically supported, logical, or at the very least real. As opposed to quoting thousand year camp fire stories intended to impose fear based control over those whos minds lack the fortitude to discern things for themselves. IMHO, You would better serve yourself by minding your own business.
I certainly hope you and all your ‘friends’ are prepared to be on the receiving end of the ‘in-your-face’ tactics the queer community has practiced for years. Toss all the names you want - I’m pro-choice and I choose not to agree with you loud, obnoxious, disgusting creeps.
You quote Dylan Thomas. Have you never read his Christmas in Wales?
With all due respect, this is a Bible believing, Bible loving Moderator on a Bible believing, Bible loving forum. The atheists post somewhere else or they keep their nastiness to a low roar.
You are of course entitled to your opinion, but when you’re talking morality, the Bible is the authoritative source and standard, with stories, instructions, and verified historical investigative facts to back it up. Many through the centuries can attest to its authenticity. You should check it out yourself with an open heart and mind. You reveal your scientific bias in your diatribe - we are much more than the sum total of the chemicals and molecules of which we are composed.