He said it and he can now wear it. Beck hates us and hate is not a Christian attribute.
Funny combination, begging your audience for money while simultaneously declaring that you hate them.
What I don’t get is that he makes such an emphasis on not hating our political enemies and then he says he hates Republicans. Does he not realize that Republicans make up a significant portion of his audience? The notion that both parties are equally to blame, from a conservative perspective, borders on idiocy. The worst Republicans, such as the Maine bimbos, are still right at least 30% of the time. As incredibly annoying as Goober Graham is, he still gets it right probably 60% of the time. Evil bastards like Schumer and Durbin are right maybe 5% of the time. Saying Scott Brown and Pat Leahy are equally to blame is at best intellectual laziness and at worst intellectual dishonesty. His own show should be all the proof he needs that both parties aren’t equally to blame. Whenever he has politicians on his show that he says he respects, it’s almost always a Republican, with the exception of Joe Lieberman.
Well, you know, I’m not going to call myself a christian, but I am a believer in God. Glenn is a mormon, incidentally.
I hate Evil.
No, I’m not calling theGOp evil, I’m just saying that I hate something, and I’m not sorry about it.