And, of course, the societal costs (including erosion of the Constitution - specifically of the Bill of Rights) of the "War on (Some) Drugs" are not discussed.
That's why I say: "RE-legalize it."
I double dog dare you to wipe your butt with some poison ivy. It's a plant and so is Marijuana. Go for it.
Everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial.
The science is very clear and saying that alcohol is like pot (a falsehood) and then pretending that two wrongs make a right is counterproductive. The brain imaging technology is very clear.
Do you think it should be taxed?
I agree with you. I had friends that smoked pot in high school, and I had friends that drank. Today I know alot of dysfunctional drunks but not one dysfunctional pot head. I know many that took a little something something else from the drug dealer and have been worthless since. Pot isn’t something I would want my children to use but I also think its crazy to lock anyone up for it. The reason you will lose your kids to hard drugs isn’t the pot so much as it is the guy selling the pot also sells the hard stuff. Most kids would just stop at pot if he didn’t. To say anything else is to not know what you’re talking about. I grew up in a hood, I’ve seen it a thousand times. If it was at the liquor store it would be the end of the chain like booze. Legalizing pot would truly hurt the remaining drug business and strangely enough stem a crap load of illegal immigration troubles. OK let it fly.