Is there a real issue here?
1) Do we think that gay men (and women) really want to serve in the military?
2) If some one really wants to serve their country by perfroming military service shouldn’t we welcome them?
3) The real issue is can unit conhesion be maintained with gay people in a unit?
4) From 1941 to about 1973 there was a draft. I’m sure there were gay men serving. Did that hurt unit cohesion?
During the draft being gay was outlawed in the military, there was no "don't ask don't tell" BS. The few that made it through the pre-draft screening, in other words the ones that lied about being gay, kept their secret to themselves and had a low profile. There was no grouping, kissing or fondling of other soldiers, at least not in the open.
Now there will be all those things and the gays will be obnoxious and irritating, just the way most of them are in civilian life.
There will be discipline problems of a magnitude unheard of today.
Yeah, the issue is that Obama has faggotized the damned armed forces. The Marine Corps, The Air Force, etc., no longer exist as they did. They now WELCOME degeneracy and perversion. I have no respect for anyone who has joined up from this year forward. And this cowardly, scumbag Marine can go straight to hell where he belongs.
FR does not support sex perverts in the military or any other digusting slimey facet of the homosexual agenda.
They aren’t “gay” which means “happy and carefree”. They are mentally ill people with sick sexual fetishes and their habits and acts cause disease. Homosexuals should seek help, much is available, they are not “born that way”, they can change and many have.
They certainly do not belong in the military any more than pedophiles (many pedophiles are homosexuals too), bestiality afficiandos, kleptomaniacs or anyone else with grave character and behavior flaws.
You're asking the wrong question. The nature of the homosexual psychosis is one of selfishness, self-aggrandizing, and a constant need for attention. It's part of why they do what they do. If they can't serve "openly," then they can't be allowed to bring their gay pride parades to us on-post. They can still serve and do great things for their country, but they can't flaunt and scream "look at me!" from the rooftops. With DADT repealed, none of this is the case anymore. They can now make spectacles of themselves, and there's nothing we can do about it in the military since homosexuals are probably the most protected class in all of American politics (Muslims and illegal immigrants being a close tie for second).
In general, I don't have a huge problem with homosexuals in the military, but mostly in the sense of allowing an individual to serve his/her country. It will get far away from that very quickly, mark my words. If it was solely about service, then DADT would've been a perfectly adequate policy.
Yes, it is called homosexual sex. The issue has never been about banning those poor mistreated 'gay' people that. The military has ALWAYS banned those who engage in homosexual sex as they are objectively disordered.