re: 1980 2012
Reagan Palin
Crane Bachmann
G.H.W.Bush Romney
Baker Pawlenty
Anderson Huntsman
Connolly Perry
Cain Ben Fernandez
Paul Harold Stassen
Excellent historical analogy list. Ben Fernandez was the only one I didn’t remember. The problem is the level of historical knowledge on this board is so abysmal that this will be meaningless to most... /g
"The candidacy of Fernandez was recently publicized again in light of comments from Governor of New Mexico Bill Richardson, a candidate in the 2008 presidential election, who claimed that he was the first ever Hispanic candidate. A reporter for the Albuquerque Journal discovered Fernandez's failed campaigns in 1980 and 1984, proving Richardson's comments to be a mistake. (Richardson campaign officials said that they were looking only at previous Democratic Party candidates"