The fact that the Onion, for instance, went all out to prevent articles from being linked or excerpted on Free Republic never made sense to me. I normally don’t go to the Onion; when I am “surfing” the internet, there are only a couple of sites I frequent, and unless something is referenced, I’m not going to go to it. Mostly, I forget that the Onion even exists. But if someone excerpts an article or links a video from the Onion, I may end up spending quite a bit of time on that site.
I used to read the Onion when you could post a piece on FR. I haven’t been there since.
I often read a lot of articles on the Daily Mail, the Telegraph, and lots of local TV station sites (read the article on FR, and then go to the site for the video,etc) simply because the article is posted on FR. Otherwise I certainly wouldn’t go there. I mean, why would I check out a Montana local station, like I did yesterday?
I especially won’t read the NY Times and LA Times on their own, but often a freeper will post something, so I ‘ll go take a peek there.
Now these sites all have software telling them where people are coming from, so they must know how FR is a portal to them. They know all this. They either have bad management or an attitude, or both.