To: beachn4fun; Kathy in Alaska; txradioguy; StarCMC; Lady Jag; laurenmarlowe; GodBlessUSA; fatima; ...
Good morning to everyone at the Canteen.
69º here under the rain cooled air! We got about 1.25 of much needed rain from te storm!
154 posted on
06/22/2011 4:43:27 AM PDT by
(zero hates Texas and we hate him back. He ain't my president either.)
To: Kathy in Alaska; AZamericonnie; Arrowhead1952; TASMANIANRED; E.G.C.; SandRat; GodBlessUSA; ...
You Are a Norwegian Forest Cat |
You are both athletic and adventurous. You dream of climbing the highest mountain and surfing the biggest waves.
While you are active and spirited, you are also sweet and cuddly. You're very family oriented, and you love to be around people.
Murpy Motorola Brown RIP
185 posted on
06/22/2011 9:19:20 AM PDT by
Lady Jag
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