Disagree. That very division might precipitate a 3rd party, and a strong one at that.
Barbour, Conservative credentials and all, is a Washington insider, having been a Lobbyist and RNC chair prior to being Governor. His priority is to his party first.
Even in conditions such as these, a 3rd party is a long shot. But, members of the Tea Party must keep it available as an option, if for nothing else as a bargaining chip against a Romney, Huntsman or Pawlenty nomination.
The biggest third party effort since Theodore Roosevelt, was Ross Perot. He won 18.9% of the popular vote and allowed Clinton to win with 43% of the vote.
But always remember, it's not a matter of winning, it's the principle that counts most. (Keep repeating that to yourself while Obama takes the oath for a second term.)
But comparing any one of the candidates this election, (And that includes potential candidates.) the size and scope of Teddy Roosevelt cannot be compared to them in any way.