Of course I admitted that the females had female standards. The guys in their 40’s and 50’s also had different standards than I did. I wouldn’t expect a 50 year old man to run two miles in 14:42 like they did when they were 18. Although, some could and that’s my point. Don’t know what kind of unit you were in. I served in a medical unit, like on MASH, and while there were physical needs to do some jobs, most did not require physical strength. Though everybody had to be physically fit. That’s my experience and all I can go on.
I agree with you that men overall are physically superior and you’re right that I could last in a wartime environment where most women counldn’t. I wouldn’t reccomend women serving in real combat roles. I was mainly addressing your point about women not deserving to wear their uniforms. I didn’t find that to be the case at all.
Yet you are young enough, and conditioned enough, to continue to argue what you know deep in your heart, is the reality of life.
The funniest thing I ever saw in the military was watching females trying to set up one of those large, canvas, 35(or whatever) man tents.