I know exactly what you mean about the South Side. To me, the spirit that is Chicago burns bright in the neighborhoods, not in the Gold Coast. Wrigley for awhile became a fashionable place to go, even if you didn't care squat about baseball. It was a better place when Ernie said “Let's play two”. It got tiresome to hear some North Siders look down their nose at White Sox fans and the South Side.
I can remember going to games back in the ‘50’s when one could pick up the pungeant aroma of the stockyards when the wind was blowing the wrong way.
Also worked a couple of games as an Andy Frain usher back then, both at Comiskey (or “Kaminsky”, to quote our Dear Leader) and at Wrigley. I still recall one game in the ‘60’s, when Dave Nicholson (who was pretty much useless most of the time) cleared the upper deck with an incredible homer.