I respectfully disagree with you. I know several birds and generals. Yes, they range from ultra conservative to moderate liberal.
I do not think any of that comes from the liberal exposure to their advanced education. I think a lot of it comes from the time in the field with their young troops.
The guys I know, from the Army at least, have come back more pragmatic and with a “live and let live” attitude about most every thing other than how to beat the muzzies. They speak highly of the young men and women and the amazing things they do.
I think because of their exposure to a more young workforce, they tend to pick up on some of their outlook.
Me, I hang around with other cynical bastards who think the world is going to hell in a handbasket.
Just a thought and observation.
Perhaps you’re mixing social conservatism with constitutional originalist conservatism?
My experiences with senior officers in the active Army and National Guard is different. That’s OK, as long as we respectfully disagree we’re golden. I could tell you some shocking stories though and one former full bird did jail time. Maybe it’s because I live in Oregon and all the whackjobs in the world seem to end up here?