(sarc) Boy, those Palin e-mails are really destroying her, aren’t they? (/sarc)
Just have a look at this one I found!
From: gov.sarah@yahoo.com
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2007 5:52 PM
To: Perry; Kristina Y (GOV)
Cc: Mason; Janice L (GOV); Leighow; Sharon W (GOV)
Subject : Disclosure
Remind me for "thank you's" and ethics disclosure:
Mayor porter, kenai, gave me cookies last weekend.
A bank gave me a rain jacket at the fair- i'll find out what bank it was.
Carhart folks gave me a carhart teeshirt at the fair.
Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Cellular One"
As I peruse these many articles about the leftist presstitutes' muck-raking of Gov. Palin's email, I see a dearth of posts by a certain cadre of FR posters.
Surely, I thought, they would flock to any article posted about Gov. Palin, as they always have up until now.
But, for some reason, they aren't.
Not even an "I'm concerned" post.
Strange indeed ..... too quiet ..... maybe they're gathering in the darkness, in the bushes just beyond the light from the camp fire, snarling and drooling, like in the scary movies?