I never watched the Daily Show until I heard he defended Weiner before Weiner admitted to it. So I turned him on because I love to see liberals eat crow. He actually had me laughing he said something about, "Calling Bill Clinton to aplogize??? For what??? Copyright infringement???"
Even though he is a liberal that I most likely will never watch again, that had me laughing. I love when the libs throw their own under the bus.
I hope Weiner stays around I enjoy this scandal.
This guy has the biggest ego of anyone in the world. They'd have to literally drag him with him screaming like a two year old out of his office.
They polled his district and 51% would re-elect him. He could be found with farm animals, 14 year olds, God only knows and the morons in Brooklyn would gladly re-elect them because he represents their values. Just read my tagline it explains everything.
Who was it? Huey Long or somebody. Gov of Louisiana who said “The only way I can keep from being elected is if I’m found in a motel with a dead girl or a live boy.”