Levin does astutely note that the Palin campaign rallies in autumn 2008 can easily be seen as embryonic Tea Party rallies
Bannon notes that the film implicitly contrasts two images of Palin: First her convention debut, on a bright stage, in perfectly polished form (her choice to dress in off-white looks almost symbolic in retrospect), and then her appearance on a rainy, gray day in Wisconsin in spring 2011, politically bruised but unyielding, much farther along in her lifes journey and much more tested by hardships, setbacks, and the difficult climb confronted by any great protagonist. Because of the Tea party enthusiasm that she generates and her own steadfastness. She will win in 2012.
33 posted on
06/09/2011 9:07:42 AM PDT by
(Throw the Rats and RINOs out!)
To: RedMDer
I believe you’re right .. the Tea Party masses will
be even louder and more intense .. and Sarah’s right up there, speaking their very clear message.
34 posted on
06/09/2011 3:58:24 PM PDT by
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