National Review editors are RomneyBOTs.
Gay-marriage-enforcer, ObamaCARE/RomneyCARE-fascist,
backstabber Romney is behind this weeks endless attacks on Gov. Palin.
I happen to agree with Jay, but quite possibly Sarah is on the cutting edge, not me.
I would be quite happy to be wrong in this case.
Like any candidate, Palin has pros and cons..but i don’t get this constant criticism that she has some sort of deficiency on issues. She is crystal clear on issue after issue. As Alaska governor she was more in tune with foreign issues than any other governor running now or in any recent election with regular briefings on Russia.. She is the most advanced governor on energy policy of any candidate in history. This criticism. Is totally bunk. Where is Pawlenty or Romney more advanced on policy issues? Both championed terrible positions as governor. if huntsman enters, is Utah some major breeding ground for white house preparation? Was Arkansas major league training for president 20 years ago. This is such a faulty argument against Palin. In addition, how do all these experts know what she did or didn’t do in policy study the past two years. She seems to have a grasp on things to me. She has made policy opinions in real time in the past year and a half and her views have proven to be right on time and again.
It seems more like a criticism to me.
The thing is, she didn’t just wake up one morning of a normal, routine gubernatorial term and say, “Hey, I’m tired of this. I want to go make money and do reality shows and buy a place in Phoenix.” That’s not how it happened. That’s about as far as it can be from how it actually happened. The gov pulled the plug on her term early for a reason and it wasn’t just because she wanted to. It’s incredibly irritating that I and many others saw that at the time, and still do, and others, some ostensibly as well or better situated to follow the story (like, let’s say, a senior editor of the American conservative movement’s magazine of record) still don’t. Or are willing to gloss over it.
As Fred Thompson said on Hannity's show last night [paraphrased], "To see how far down we've come in America today, contrast back in the days of Nixon when we asked, "What did he know and when did he know it?". Today we ask, "What did he show, and when did he show it?".