I admit it’s been awhile since my children graduated from college, but public college tuition is generally not that bad, even today. If you choose to go to a more expensive college and you’re borrowing money to do so, I think you need to sit down with your family and do some math regarding the value of that “investment” and your ability to pay back the loan.
Lots of times students (and their parents) are using loan money to pay for nice apartments, study abroad, and Greek sorority/fraternity costs. All of the above are GOOD, but are they worth starting out your life with more debt than you can handle?
You really do not have any idea what you are talking about. I went to Texas A&M 20 years ago. It cost me about $2K a year...for 15 hours over 2 semesters...room (granted...in the cheapest dorm with no AC...but I was poor and on the GI Bill) and a 7 day meal plan. Today, if I want to send my kid to Texas A&M...a public school...the same setup will be closer to $18K a year. So what cost me about $10K will cost my kid $80K...and he's only 11. Imagine what it will be like in 10 years when he is old enough to actually GO to college. What about my 3 YO little girl...or 9 YO? And my 11 YO wants to be a VET (horse vet).
So...talk again about how it is OK for A SWAT TEAM...ARMED SWAT TEAM to enter a house over back student loans? Especially when the perp doesn't even LIVE THERE? You know...STUFF happens in life some times. HARD TIMES. And its either pay a bill and starve...or EAT. Making that choice should not come with the thoughts of having your door kicked down by a SWAT TEAM. There are other remedies.
You are NUTS. THAT is NOT America. WRONG forum buddy.